
185 Movie Reviews

27 w/ Responses

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Excellently drawn and the timing of the humor was executed very well. Way to take an old fairy tale and add an interesting twist to it. Keep up the great work, Ed and Monkey.

Delightfully Hilarious

That guy was like The Riddler on crack. Yet I cant help but relate to him in some ways. I have seen some pac-man machines with high scores of like 350 000 and I think how is that even humanly possible. Anyway, that movie's graphics crack me up, and it was overall hilarious. Great job, guys.


Well, all I have to say is that was certifiably creepy. Whew, now I'm going to have to take valium again to be able to sleep. Keep up the.... disturbing work.

A nauseous masterpiece

Yep, Fingers is getting even more demented and sadistic. Milford Cubicle damn near made me piss myself with laughter. I love your work, man. I cant wait until your next movie. You should also make more Burnt Face Man episodes.

mildly entertaining

Well, you didnt exactly blow me away, but this was fairly entertaining. Not to mention that that song was just plain FUBAR. Your probably not going to win any awards for this, but I would say it has its akward little place in newgrounds.

Pretty good

Despite the lack of animation, I did find this quite fun to watch. I thought all the pictures were well in sync with the song and that song rules! I got to figure out who wrote it. Overall, not too shabby.

Kyle-Mistry responds:

thanx, it didn't take me very log to do, but in my opinion, wasn't as creative as my other two anims.


That was pretty funny. The communist part made me laugh. However, if you anger easily and cant take a joke, you might just want to skip this one.

Great movie

Though it was short, this movie was animated very nicely. The preloader mini game made waiting for the movie to load a little easier. Good job with this.

all right.

I did get a little chuckle from this. I was ready to blam it, but the ending saved it in my view. I wouldnt call it a masterpiece, but there are thousands of flashes that are much worse than this.

not too bad

That actually was pretty good for a first flash. Your graphics were great. The plot was pretty silly, but overall I liked it. Good job.

Yup. I still drop by once in a while.

vince @flapjackdaddy

Age 41, Male


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