
185 Movie Reviews

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Not bad.

I can see some honest effort was put into making this. Your graphics were well done, but the humor style in this has been done to death (such as the whole "PWND JOO" thing). Overall I say it's worth protecting.

Mobbsy responds:

Thankyou good sir. Your wisdom and fair judgement will escalate you to great places.

What a Suprise!

Holy snapping crap! I remember watching the original Lizard Sphere X three years ago, and I didn't think a sequal was ever going to be made. Like the Cell episodes that were parodied in the original, you captured the bad side of the Buu episodes very well. Now that DBZ even here in North America is a thing of the past, you should parody other famous animes as well. Others such as Inu-Yasha or Naruto. Great Work.


You guys continue to make great animations. Those talking smiley ads are annoying and they probably won't go away for a long time. I never really did understand the point of them, or how they are making so much money to continue on for that matter.

And the truth is out

I used to visit his site once in a while for cheap laughs. Seeing how all these scams were pulled, and the fact that everything he had on his site such as Numa Numa and AYB can be found all over the internet, the hell with him, Im not visiting his site anymore.

As for your animation, it was excelently done. The music was catchy and the graphics were well done. Hopefully Bauman gets pecker-slapped into submission for what he has done.

Excellent work!

I havent given a score this high in a while. The music is a masterpiece, the graphic are among the best I have seen, and the inclusion of Chuck Norris is definately the icing on the cake. Pat yourself on the back for this NG submission.


Your graphics were great, but that is it's only redeeming quality. The voices were annoying, and there really wasnt much of a point to it.

Aint it the truth

You see one crappy NG animation, you pretty much see them all. Not to mention all the reviews that utilize the words "GAY" and "FAG". Great work.


While I am quite bored of movies with random pointless violence, you did animate this very well and the graphics were excellent. Good show.

Yup. I still drop by once in a while.

vince @flapjackdaddy

Age 41, Male


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